Barred Owl

We stumbled upon this guy by accident. 
We went looking for a Towhee in the brush 
and after we found him we walked back toward
the main road we usually walk on and we saw
the owl fly through the trees. 
We were not sure what it was at first but we
knew it was big! Then low and behold, there is was.
We didn't have a clear view until it flew across the street.
The it sat pretty for us while we shot away! As you 
can see it was checking us out too!

Hermit Thrush

New guy to add to our life list! 
We found this Hermit Thrush today flipping leaves around 
Doyle Conservation 

Broad Meadow Pond 4/13/2013

 Red Bellied Woodpecker in the nest.
Carolina Wren

Today we found a new Audubon spot in Worcester MA.
We were excited to see a family friendly atmosphere
with trails that were good for little ones
and more for advanced adventurers.
The habitats were natural as well as some man made additives 
to help preserve the habitats. 
We found quite a few different types
of birds as well as nature related things.