Barred Owl

We stumbled upon this guy by accident. 
We went looking for a Towhee in the brush 
and after we found him we walked back toward
the main road we usually walk on and we saw
the owl fly through the trees. 
We were not sure what it was at first but we
knew it was big! Then low and behold, there is was.
We didn't have a clear view until it flew across the street.
The it sat pretty for us while we shot away! As you 
can see it was checking us out too!

Hermit Thrush

New guy to add to our life list! 
We found this Hermit Thrush today flipping leaves around 
Doyle Conservation 

Broad Meadow Pond 4/13/2013

 Red Bellied Woodpecker in the nest.
Carolina Wren

Today we found a new Audubon spot in Worcester MA.
We were excited to see a family friendly atmosphere
with trails that were good for little ones
and more for advanced adventurers.
The habitats were natural as well as some man made additives 
to help preserve the habitats. 
We found quite a few different types
of birds as well as nature related things. 

Snowy Egret

Northern Oriole

Summer of 2012

Sharpe Shinned Hawk

Winter 2013

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Lesser yellowleg

Sept 2012

Horned Larks

First time we have ever seen these guys! 
March 2013

Rauscher Farm April 6th 2013

 Eastern Bluebird
 beaver dam
 Brown Creeper

 mama goose on her nest
Eastern Phoebe

Mute Swan

April 5, 2013 - Found a second nesting pair or Mute Swans in Bower's Brook. This nest is on the South side of Barnum Rd behind Wendy's. If you every get a chance to watch these guys in action take the time! It is very cool how they work together to build the nest.

Mallard - American Black Duck Hybrid

April 2, 2013 - While driving back from Janet's, I spotted this guy swimming around. Looked like a Mallard but only half his head was green.. hmmm??? Looked online when I got home and found that it is a Mallard - American Black Duck Hybrid... Learn something new everyday :)

Barn Swallow

Summer of 2012

Woodpecker sightings at Doyle Conservation April 7th, 2013

 Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
 Northern Flicker
Red Bellied Woodpecker

St Mary's Cemetery

Stopped at St Mary's Cemetery this morning to do some birding. Might seem like a weird place to do some bird watching but cemeteries are peaceful and quiet and the birds love them. This one even invites them with a big birdhouse right at the gates. 
Saw some Eastern Bluebirds, a Red-tailed Hawk being driven away by some crows and the biggest surprise.. a White-Tail Deer watching me watch the birds :)

Mute Swan

March 29, 2013 - These mute swans were busy building their nest. The cool thing is that the one in the water was pulling up reeds and setting them close to the nest so the one out of the water could grab them and put them in place. Team work at it's best!!!!

House Finch

Our Backyard
Winter of 2013
Female House Finch on the feeder today
accompanied by...
The Male House Finch in the birch tree...
This is the second type of finch we have had out there 
in the past two days.

Gold finch

On our feeder
March 2013

In the Birch tree
April 9 2013
This guy was in the birch tree this am.Plumage is starting to change.
Came to check out new food in the feeder!


Creepy Spider
no ID as of yet!

Random Spider in the snow?
This one was at Doyle Conservation
March 2013

Cooper's Hawk

March 2013

American Black Duck

American Black duck 
March 2013
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Garter Snake

April 3, 2013 - Moving day for Stephany & Anthony soooo.... while the others were busting their butts moving furniture I was on a nature walk out back lol. Saw 3 deer, a pair of mallards and this Garter snake.